Preparation For The Future

Published by Saint Vincent Archabbey Public Relations on

Wimmer Wednesday. Young Boniface Wimmer learns something valuable.

“At Metten, Father Boniface had received the living tradition of the Benedictine Order as a precious inheritance from the venerable seniors, Father Roman Raith and Father Ildephons Nebauer. In the process of re-organizing anew the Abbeys of St. Stephan in Augsburg and of Scheyen, he additionally learned the practical aspects of how monastic life could be renewed and spread. Through his active participation in the memorable events of the restoration of these monasteries, he gained a most valuable education which would prepare him for his future calling. The experience he gained from these foundations would be most useful to him in the implementation of the great undertaking for which Divine Providence had chosen him.”

—From Boniface Wimmer, Abbot of Saint Vincent in Pennsylvania, translated by Dr. Maria Von Mickwitz and Father Warren Murrman, O.S.B., editor.