Mission Focus
Wimmer Wednesday. Boniface Wimmer, the “projektenmacher begins to deeply consider the need for missionaries to America.
“I have given much thought to the question of how they might be practically assisted. It is not difficult to understand what should be done—more German-speaking priests should be found laboring for the spiritual welfare of our countrymen in America. The only question is how to get a sufficient number of German-speaking missionary priests and, then, which priests would be most suitable for the mission work? The answer to the second question will also give the solution for the first. I cannot agree with Dr. Salzbacher when he says that the spiritual needs of our countrymen can be provided by perambulating missionaries, who go about like the Wandering Jew from grove to grove, from hut to hut; for unless such a missionary be a saint not much of the spiritual man would remain in him, and even then by such transient visits not much lasting good could be accomplished. The missionary, more than any other priest, stands in need of spiritual renewal from time to time, consolation and advice in trials and difficulties. He must, therefore, have some place where he can find such assistance: this may be given by his bishop but he will find it more securely in a religious community—in the midst of his confreres.”
—From Boniface Wimmer, Abbot of Saint Vincent in Pennsylvania, translated by Dr. Maria Von Mickwitz and Father Warren Murrman, O.S.B., editor.