On Missionary Life

Published by Saint Vincent Archabbey Public Relations on

Wimmer Wednesday

“I cannot discard the thought that everyone who feels drawn towards this vocation has the obligation of dedicating himself to the missionary life. I sincerely believe that we religious priests are bound to carry out such work more strictly than the secular clergy, that it is a disgrace if we shirk that duty, that our Order will certainly gain in membership and become more admired if we achieve something in this respect. The spiritual needs of Bavaria are indeed great, but not so urgent as to stand in the way of such a work. Perhaps it is a sign from Heaven that we are not making greater progress, because we are remiss in this work.
“Plans for establishing a mission house have given me food for thought. I will reveal one of these plans to you. How wonderful it would be if Metten were to undertake such a work! A number of monasteries in the Middle Ages, like Corbie and especially many monasteries in England and Ireland, were mission houses. How this would influence the religious spirit in the abbey! What an encouragement for all if a few, or still better if many, were found who would not only give up a comfortable home for a monas­tery but who would also follow the lost sheep to the ends of the world and shun neither want nor danger to glorify the name of the Lord everywhere. If some, as could be expected, should find in this manner not only a slow martyrdom of suffering and hardship, but also a real martyrdom, what a glory for such a house!”

Munich, July 22, 1843

Letters of An American Abbot